martes, 24 de mayo de 2011

Foals - Blue Blood

Y si ayer hicimos la referencia mientras rajábamos de los infantes The Belligerents, es justo que hoy hablemos de los algo más maduros Foals, que también fueron cachorros en su día. Aquellos músicos jóvenes y aventajados que provocaron el alboroto de crítica y público durante 2008 con el aclamadísimo “Antidotes”, impresionante disco debut que inconscientes privilegiados como el Primo Paul (alias Willow) y un servidor pudimos disfrutar en vivo durante una noche loca de verano, parece que fue ayer.

Lo cierto es que en el año 2010 publicaron su segundo álbum “Total Live Forever”, que parece no haber tenido la misma acogida entre el público, una vez superado el efecto sorpresa. Pero que si le regalas un par de escuchas o tres, aceptando como irrefutable que es menos accesible, entendiendo también que es más maduro, puedes observar que conservan todas las aristas que nos prometieron en su anterior e innovador álbum. Ya en este Blue Blood, tema con el que levanta velas su segundo disco, estos muchachos originarios de la universitaria ciudad de Oxford ¿Oxforescenses? nos cuentan visiones más cercanas, inspiradas en lo que ayer echábamos de menos, chicos normales, con sus contrariedades, sus torpezas y sus pasiones; locamente enamorados de su profesora, tía política o adulta cercana, declarándose como solo lo hacen los chicos, de forma natural y bastante grotesca; pero sincera, hermosamente sincera. Choca bastante ver con que claridad se escenifica durante el video la incómoda impasibilidad con que el público asistente encaja la torpe espontaneidad romancera de un aspirante a galán mal atacando a su diosa particular.

Por desgracia la hipótesis de que dicha escena fuese traída de la intrascendente ficción a la vida real, seguramente nos sorprendería a muchos con el mismo incómodo gesto de quien siente invadida su anestesiada rutina, instalados como estamos en la puritana y aséptica era de la publicidad, donde sólo cabe la obediencia y la mansedumbre frente a los dictados que pregonan los gurús del marketing.

                       Blue Blood

You've got the blood on your hands, I think it's my own.
We can go down onto the streets and follow the shores.
Of all the people, we could be two.
Then I bite my nails to the clip, run back home.

You've got the blood on your hands, I know it's my own.
You came at me in the middle of the night to show me my soul.
Of all the people, I hoped it'd be you.
To come and free me, take me away.
To show me my home.
Where I was born.
Where I belong.

You've got the blood on your hands, I want you to know.
I hoped that you'd come and take me away, back to my home.
Of all the people, it had to be you.
Then I bite my nails to the clip, run back home.

You showed me.
Where to go.
To my home.
To my home.
So take me.
Through the roads.
That you know.
To my home.

You've got the blood on your hands, I know it's my own.
You came at me in the middle of the night to show me my soul.

You showed me.
Where to go.
To my home.
To my home.
So take me.
Through the roads.
That you know.
To my home.

(Come and help me accept it, affect it, protect it.
Come and help me accept it, it's always my home).
(Come and help me accept it, effect it, protect it.
Come and help me accept it, it's always my home).

You showed me.
Where to go.
To my home.
To my home.
So take me.
Through the roads.
That you know.
Where you know.

You showed me.
Where to go.
To my home.
To my home.
So take me.
Through the roads.
That you know.
To my home.

(Come and help me accept it, affect it, protect it.
Come and help me accept it, it's always my home).
(Come and help me accept it, effect it, protect it.
Come and help me accept it, it's always my home).

You've got the blood on your hands, I know it's my own.
We can go down onto the streets and follow the shores.
Of all the people, I hoped it'd be you.
You showed me my way back home.
To where I was born.
Where I belong.
Where I belong

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