jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Alcoholic Faith Mission - My Eyes to See

Revelador videoclip de la banda sueca afincada en USA "Alcoholic Faith Mission", que primero nos muestra esas ansias de huir, de dejarlo todo; ese momento crucial en el que todo ciudadano implosiona tratando de abandonar al tráfico, a la contaminación y al estrés... para atónito darse cuenta de la imposibilidad de su liberación y de su propia incapacidad para huir de algo tan arraigado como la ciudadanía. La fatalidad de darnos cuenta de que es demasiado tarde.

Let this be the last night we care

Reel in the deciders
Beat them senseless with blunt devices
Clubs, logs, pool cues

Sit down and breathe in, breathe out
We'll make a choice within a week
Take you out to takeaway
Best you don't forget hair, lips, makeup

Nothing ever really changes
Nothing's ever really gone or really here
Nothing ever changes really
Lay down and wait for it
My eyes to see

Making a disaster
Tears augment inertia, start the
Taste, rinse, spit out

Sit down and breathe in, breathe out
We'll make a choice within a week
Take you out to takeaway
Best you don't forget hair, lips, makeup

Nothing ever really changes
Nothing's ever really gone nor really here
Nothing ever changes really
Lay down and wait for it
My eyes to see

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